Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sister MJ

Sawyer's #1 fan is his dear "sister" MJ.  From the day she could speak, she begged us for a dog.  Day in & day out....begging, yelling, nagging.  However, being the practical parents that we were, having to raise two young children, her request was continuously turned down.  We always felt as though we were denying her but truth be told, never having had a dog and caring for kids was a daunting idea.  It wasn't until we became empty-nesters (well, almost) that we (rather, I) took the plunge.  Honestly, I regretted that decision for a mere week during the wicked "mouthing" stage (some refer to it as the "Cujo" stage).  Now, I love him to does his big "sista"... and not to forget his big brother TJ & Papa W.

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